Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bigger than the world...

I had to write this one down quickly before I forgot it. Less than a hour ago I was taking a picture of Grace sleeping- you know, just one of those Mommy momments. She opened her eyes (probably due to the flash) and said, "Mommy, I love you."
I smiled and said, "I love you too Grace."
"Bigger than the world?" she asked.
"Yes, bigger than the world, twinkle toes." I replied.

"Bigger than the atonement," she asked.
"Just as much as the atonement." I answered with a smile on my face.

Afterwards I had one of those moments were I was completely overwhemled with gratitude for the gospel in my life. I am beyond grateful for the sacrafice Jesus Christ made for each one of us. He died because he loved us and because we were worth it.
There were several General Confrence talks that really sttod out this past weekend, and I walked away realizing that even if I don't believe it as much as I should- I am important. I am seen. I am loved. I am heard. I do matter. My life does count & I am a remarkable woman.
I am truely grateful for the atonement in my life and for the postive example of Christ's life we have to look to. I am grateful that we are teaching our children what we belive to be true. In a world were so many people do not believe in God or his son, I am so thankful I have the knowledge and testimony that they are very real and very much apart of my life.


tvcadurfee said...

i totally believe that each of us are seen and needed and loved. its by the simpe requests we make in our hearts or even if we make them known. your simple requests are the amazing deals you find in yard sales and the love you have from your kids. mine are a little different but just a simple wish in my heart are usually the ones that get answered. just remember that nothing is too small to ask for if you believe its a valid request.

Missy08 said...

That is to sweet