Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My pink bundle of joy...

I admit it- I am late to join the world in all its tecnology advanced, time consuming miracles. Like online shopping, printing boarding passes 24 hours ahead of time, thanks for the tip Mom!, reserving Redbox movies online and then making your husband go get it for you...
We didn't have cell phones for the longest time, I was late to blog, I didn't understand why people were obsessed with texting, wasn't a phone made for talking? I have almost 2000 emails to look through because I hardly check that anymore, I still don't know how to figure out Facebook, I had to ask my 3 year old how to exit a game on the computer the other day and after the cell phone I lost track of all the advancments. I've heard of thinks like: mp3 players, Ipods, iphones, itunes, blackberrys, ipads and so on, but don't ask me what they do because I have no clue- except, I'm learning!!!
I know, brace yourself. The beauty of knowing nothing means you have very little expectations, which is why my cute little ipod shuffle is my new modern miracle! Don't laugh at me.
A few years ago I entertained the though of how cool it would be to have one, because at the time I was guessing they played music, like a walkman, right? Yes. Travis told me, sadly shaking his head. So for our 9th wedding Anniversary he slipped me a tiny box and I squealed with delight knowing what was waiting for me inside. He got the hot pink one and I couldn't wait to be cleaning my houses and singing to Alannis while I worked. But then a very sad thing happened...
My wonderful, amazing, very technology capable husband never put my songs on it. Really Trav? I asked him at least a thousand times to do it for me because just opening the little plastic box was challenging enough for me, but no, he didn't do it. So afer several months, I grew upset with him for blowing our gift budget, getting me all excited and then not helping me! For months I nagged him to do it, but nothing. Before Willow was born, I asked him so I could have it at the hospital-nothing. For our 10th anniversary I asked him to do it as my gift-but nothing. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH MY HUSBAND??? It became the topic of conversation many times and I was not very happy about it. He knew I was computer challenged and he was really going to get me a gift that required computer knowledge and then not help me?? I was really frustrated!!!
So, yesterday I became 100% sick and tired of needing and depending on my husband to download or upload (which ever one it is)my adorable little ipod and I told myself, I'm going to do it without him and when he comes home he will see that I can do anything on my own... Oh Emily, how wrong you were. I spent hours watching you tube videos, searching the internet for help, but I was stuck. I couldn't get to the page where I knew if I was, I could probably figure it out. So, I gave in. I surrendered and lowerd my head in shame. I indeed needed my computer savy husband, but it was taking over a year and a half to do it and I wanted it for my trip home to Seattle in 2 days.
To make a long boring story longer, HE HELPED ME and in a few minutes it was done. That's why i wanted him to to it. When I attempt, I waste hours which equals no clean underware because I didn't get the laundry done because my husband should have done it back in the year that he purchased the item. Was it really worth 18 months of nagging Travis Alan???!! needless to say, I love it.
I drifted off to sleep last night listening to all my wonderful friends singing softly in my ear. It was amazing! So while our 11th anniversary is approaching in 5 months, I will be quiet now and thank my husband for a sweet gift that took incredibly way too long to set up! Thanks babe! Can't wait to get you your next gift...