Sunday, June 3, 2012
Stay in school kids...
I'm not sure there are words anymore... we found this little number last night coming home from the park! I am amazed. Simply amazed. And yes, I have reminded my kids of the importance of getting a good education, so one day they can make their own yard sale signs.
We will have a baby next month!
When I really think about it, it is totally crazy to think- I will have a baby next month. A baby. A real life baby. Again. 5 kids. Holy cow!!!! Some moments I can't get over it- it's like the 500 pounds hasn't registered in my brain and I'm just realizing I'm pregnant or something. And then other times it has been constantly on my mind as my swollen hands and feet and broken back wasn't a reminder enough. I'm so excited and so ready to have him out. He is finding a different place in my ribs and it really hurts. My hips ache now, it hurts to sit for too long and things are starting to stretch and pull in directions that should not be allowed. I feel my body parts changing, throbbing and weird pains accuring but remind myself I have 5 weeks & 5 days to go. I remind myself that almost 8 pound babies are better than 2 pound ones, so be grateful to be able to carry them to full term. Besides the wobbling, contant peeing and pressure, awful weight gain, swelling in every body part possible, lack of sleep, horrible siatic pain, heart burn, headaches, clothes not fitting anymore, a baby who has taken up residence in my ribs, difficulty bending over, and weird people rubbing my belly- it's been great! Honestly, I'm grateful. So grateful, but I really want him out...
Keeping the kids busy...
Yesterday we took the kids to the park to play in the water. It was a hot day so we waited until the afternoon to go. They had a blast playing on the play ground and getting sprayed with water. It was good to get out for awhile and let them run around.
Praying for Ellen & baby Adri...
I got a call Thursday from my brother in law, Will, letting me know that Ellen had her baby at 27 weeks. They had to take the baby C-section because Ellen's body was litterally falling apart and could no longer support the pregnancy. Baby Adri was born 2 pounds 1 oz. As of yesterday when I talked to Will for a second time, he said the baby was still doing fine and Ellen was just sore. We are praying like crazy that this little sweety pie holds on long enough to get stronger, gain weight and make the milestones that are needed. It's been a long month for them- we just continue to pray for all of them.
Church Softball has begun...
Church softball started a few weeks ago, but we didn't go with Trav because they landed on school nights and I wanted to wait until school was out to let the kids stay up super late to attend. We went Thursday after Grace's T-ball practice, and the kids had a blast. Tristin caught a salamander/lizard and carried the nasty thing around the entire night. The kids BEGGED me to let them bring it home, but I refused each time- GROSS! I made Tristin let it go and Daisy was almost in tears over it, I just brought out the wipes and hand sanitizer and made them clean off the best they could until baths and showers were taken the second we got home. Trav made fun of me when I explained, "You never know what kind of nasty germs those things are carrying..." He wasn't on my side on that one- Did I mention we grew up in the counrty and lived in Montana? Enough said. Trav hit really well that night and the uniforms were a sight to behold! I'm not sure how old those things were or how small the men used to be- but just about every guy had to squeeze into one of them before the game started. It was pretty funny.
T-ball has begun...
Last Tuesday was Grace's first day of T-ball practice. I missed that one because I had a 3 hour Relief Society activity going on that night, but I heard it went ok. She was nervous and cried a little bit, but after she figured out what was going on- she was fine. Her 2nd practice went perfect. We went shopping for a T-ball set and found one for her to practice with and she loves it. I found cleats years ago and put them away and she fits into those now. We got the mitts washed up and she's set there and she even has her own helmet to wear to rule out the chance of getting head lice from sharing those bad boys. I don't care if I'm the crazy Mom at T-ball that makes her kid wear her own helmet- I promise I am much crazier when one of my kids has it- so what ever I can do to eliminate the possibility- I will do it... until the day I die. Anyway, she has practices for awhile (Tues. & Thurs) and then games for several weeks, actually up until the night before I have the baby, so we will see how we juggle that one- but it's fun to see her involed in another activity. I love my little Grace!
School is out!
When I haven't bloggerd in 5 days- you know something is up! Really, it's just been a little busy with the kids out of school now. There were a bunch of things/appointments/projects leading up to them getting out, so the blog took the back burner for awhile. Wow, how I feel the need to catch up though! On the last day of school, the little girls and I walked over in the heat to watch the big kids have feild day. We had lunch with Daisy outside, the girls ate cotton candy, we visited Tristin's class and signed autograph books, and then walked home. I was sweating to death and my feet were broken and the school is only blocks away. I know. I'm sad. There is always mixed emotions when Summer is here. I think I;m like most Mom's on the planet though- I love my kids more than anything in the world, but life gets a little crazy when everyone is home, every second of every day. There is less quiet time and more food being consumed. But, we get to sleep in and there is no arguing getting them ready and out the door. it is crazy running 100 errands with all of them, but they have each other to play with throughout the day. So, either way- it's a trade off. When everyone is home, I have more helpers around the house, but then I have more kiddos to destroy it as well. So, the past few days we have been adjusting to our new "normal". Summer, here we come!
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