Friday, December 13, 2013

My neighbors...

One day when I sit down to write a book, it will be titled: How I survived living next to my neighbors." Honestly, it has been such a challenge. For YEARS!!! The book would have 300 Chapters too- all depicting a different set of issues I've been dealing with while struggling to :love thy neighbor as thy self. Seriously??? AS yourself? Is that even possible? I have chapter titles already and the one I'm sharing today is: "Farm animals are not allowed in city limits- even if they are dead in your trailer because you haven't had time to butcher them yet" Followers on Facebook have traveled with me on the rooster problem and the pig problem for awhile now, but for those 3 who read my blog- we have had some serious city code violations the past few months. Apparently, overnight our neighborhood turned into a 10 acre farm where my neighbors decided it was ok to house a rooster, chickens, turkeys, hens, a horse, pigs (both dead and alive) not to mention the indoor animals; dogs, snakes, turtles, cats....The problem 2 weeks ago was the dead pig left in the trailer out front, plus the ones in the back, a few turkeys and a few hens. The city came out and gave them 5 days or a $500 fine. I was delighted to have a few critters gone, but a few days later, on Monday, a new friend arrived- a huge pig which they have left in a trailer 20 feet from my front door (they did move it down a few feet the other day, that was thoughtful!) Before the snow came, I got to look at poop oozing out the back of the trailer and landing on the street. The snow was a treat because it covered up the nasty-ness and it wasn't so bad, but really guys, a ginormous pig left to thrash around out there? When I asked the kids what was up with it, they said they were planning on butchering it or trading it for a cow. I am all into self reliance and I have my beautful shed and house well stocked, but stinky farm animals? He could be dead for all I know, but the city came out AGAIN 2 days ago. I had the biggest dance party ever when I saw him pull up, I was trying to be all cool and collective while I spyed, but truthfully, he was in and out and the pig is still here- so who knows. It's been fun, let me tell you. The crazy incidences keep happening which are going to make this book crazy huge- oh how I'm struggling to have Christ-like feelings towards them!!!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

oh wow you lead an exciting life! But just think how boring the days would be without this. You and Christy could have some laughs about weird and unbelievable things. Just ask her about the French ladies sleeping in her car :)