Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yard sale therapy...

After days of dealing with ANOTHER bladder infection, laying in bed ALL day wanting to die, drinking 50 gallons of Cranberry juice, getting more antibiotics and drugs that stain EVERYTHING bright orange, and living in my PJ's- I had to venture out of the house and do something normal. The yard sale angels blessed me with a few super duper awesome finds to make up for my nasty body that seems to catch every infection known to man. I felt a little better after finding these beauties:

* A super retro toaster oven that matches my kitchen, oh so perfectly!$ 2.00
* A super old adding machine that just looks cool and provided hours of entertainment to my kids! $ 1.00
* A ton of yarn for my wreath projects= $ 1.00
* And a super awesome fire extingusher holder! $ 2.00

Loved my wonderful additions!


Nicole said...

Wow you are great at yardsale finds! I am so jealous of that addiding machine!

Sarah, Three Boys said...

So cool! Love that toaster oven. What a great color. and 2$ or you kidding me??