Sunday, April 8, 2012

Vent Session...

So, apparently, I don't listen to God very well.
He tries and tries to get me to- but I'm realizing it takes me something big to finally hear him say: "Slow down, stop working so hard, relax a little or You are not Superwoman, stop trying!"
... so instead I wear myself out and end up with a bladder infection, UTI, mastitius, strep throat, the stomach flu, sinus infections, bronchitos, torn muscles, horrible jaw, neck or back pain, migrains, pressure cookers falling on my face or some other awful pain that forces me to stop and lay down for days/weeks.

Seriously, I should just listen to Him and my body right? Apparently, I don't because it's my stupid neck again and I've been in tears or close to it for days now. Something happened Thursday afternoon- a pulled muscle, pinched nerve, who knows but my vertebre have felt smashed and compacted together and the pain has been so intense. My head has honestly been impossible to lift off my pillow without the help of my other arm, or Trav, lifting it up for support and then slowly turning or lifting to get it up/over.

The first night all I could do was cry. I just layed on the couch so Trav could sleep- and cried. Night time has been awful because I toss and turn NON STOP and when you can hardly do it, you realize how much you do it in a night-and it has just killed! I've iced, I've used heat, I've taken crappy Tylonol, I've rested, I haven't, Trav has rubbed my neck, Tristin has rubbed it, Daisy has, Grace has- I even had Willow at one point applying pressure trying to relieve some of the pain. I've layed in the tub, had the shower beating down on it- everything. It's just hurt to turn, twist, cough, move- anything. I've slept on the couch propped up, I've layed down- I've tried every position and I've just wanted to cut my neck off and throw it off a cliff!!! The thing is- I'm a tough girl, I can handle pain. I may complain about it- but I'm used to feeling a lot of it- so when I hurt, I really hurt, and I probably have for a week without telling anyone.

Last night was improvment though- I could lift my head without support, which was a blessing but there was and still is still tons of pressure. Last time I went to the chiropractor, I was there over a month and spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars. I was a lot better, but still not where I needed to be (and then we had our lice outbreak in Oct and had to cancell my appointments).

I just wish Trav could have gone into Chirpractic work instead of computers- or maybe a body with working parts! If I feel broken at 32, I cannot imagine how I will feel when I'm 90!

I've been awake since 4:00 AM just laying in bed- so I had to get up, eat Pop tarts and vent. (Actually, I use it to refrence back to my last injury because my memory is awful since having kids!)

So, if anyone finds a new neck at a yard sale for a pretty good price- let me know- I'm shopping for a new one!

1 comment:

tvcadurfee said...

i'm not sure if you read these comments but the first thought that came in my head was blessing! ask for a blessing! it will help if you believe it will help. the chiropractor helps too an its still safe during pregnancy, i went while i was extremely pregnant too.