Sunday, May 29, 2011

A really strong feeling...

My heart has absoultly ached for so many people around the world that have been affected by the natural diasters the past few months. As a family, we have prayed everyday for these people and we have talked a lot about what we can do to be as safe as possible.
I FIRMLY believe in being as prepared as possible within your own budget. I use coupons to stock up on food, diapers, bathroom needs, cleaners, clothes, gifts, emergency tools and other items my family may need- but I also know my limits and boundries and stay balanced. I pick up emergency supplies at yard sales (check those FREE boxes!)I store water, I can, I try to garden, I donate, I have emergency kits in the car, back pack 72 hour kits, I get creative & I teach others what I do so they can be prepared as well.
My Mom has worked for the City of Tacoma for a zillion years in the Emergency manegment office, so I grew up with it too. Thankfully our amazing church teaches it as well and holds classes, gives monthly tips and TONS of other info to help us be as prepared as possible. Our church also helps thousands & thousands of people around the world and I am proud to belong to an organization who gives and loves and supports the victims of these diasters.
It's easy to feel small and helpless when things like this occure, so I've decided to learn as much as possible from every event and apply it where I can.
(My friend Kara said when we were yard saling- that in Japan- they ran out of candles really quickly because they were out of electricity for so long- so when she scored a box of candles for .50- she grabbed them!)

Even with all of that- I knew I needed to do better. I knew the car was stocked with a lot of items, but I was lacking in EACH of us having a backpack. I had a few packed- but it was time to pull 6 out, and make sure, incase there was a diaster ready to hit our area- we would EACH have 72 hours worth of supplies. Due to space, I'm sure I'm under on a few recommandations- but I feel I packed the best I could with what I had. I didn't purchase anything additional- I just used what I had around the house in my supplies.
***Hopefully this will modivate someone too!
I included:
*a change of clothes
*Food:peanut butter, dry soups, candy, gum, 3 water bottles, juice boxes, granola bars, fruit strips, crackers, trail mix, can opener
toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, soap,Q tips, comb, shampoo, lotion, first aid supplies, deotorant, girl supplies, advil, diapers, wipes, clorox wipes, toilet paper
*Books, pens, paper, cards, coloring books, crayons, scriptures
*Flashlight, pocket knife, tape, trash bags, fire extinguisher,

and a few other things I'm forgetting right now!
I need to add: rope, cash, wistles, candles

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