Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kindergarten Graduation!!

Poor Daisy has been sick for days now- and of all days to miss school, she missed her very last one! I did take her for her graduation though so she could say goodbye. She's back in bed now and I feel so bad for her. She hasn't eaten in days, her stomach is upset, she's throwing up off and on, she's lathargic, and just not herself.
It was a nice program, just crazy to have Summer break beginning in 29 minutes when Tristin arrives home!
(The good news now that it's Summer is: I can make my 6:00 AM Albertson's runs again! The bad news, I'll have all 4 kids with me when I do! Am I crazy to be up at 5:30 AM, dragging sleeping kids to the store just to get good deals when doublers come out??? I don't think so!)

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