Monday, October 22, 2007

G-ma & G-pa Berthelson are back from their mission!

Well, G-ma & G-pa Berthelson arrived home safely late last night from their 2 year mission in Virginia. We just came home from "their" house after a 4 hour visit. We are SO thrilled to have them back, and yes, we can't wait for G-ma's cooking again!
They brought home with them a tiny dog named Jenni. It weighes 1 pound right now and I have to admit, is adorable. I ACTUALLY PET A DOG TODAY folks, yeah I know, kind of hard to believe, but she's about the size of your hand and really cute.
The kids and I loved seeing Gramon and Grandpot (as Daisy calls them). We are so proud of them for taking 2 years out to serve the Lord, they are incredible people and I am so blessed to be apart of their family.

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