Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A good week...

I love Albertson's. I loved their round up coupons this past week too! If you are not a couponer, you can do it!
Candy bars were .18 each, milk was & 1.28, butter .12, Rips were .48 each, bread was $ 1.00 at Honks Dollar store, Dial soap was FREE, paper totwels were free, trix yogurt was .97 each, Minute maid juice boxes were .97 each, suave deodorant was free & today at Albertson's chocolate milk was marked down to $ 1.50 and I had a .75 printable!, Orange juice was marked down to .28 and was free with Everyday Ess coupon! Chex mix was .40 with printable, dressing was .50 each (which I needed and was willing to pay for this time!)Thanks for a great week Albertson's & Walmart!

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