Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Half way done!!! 20 weeks!

I have been so side tracked with Daisy's "situation", that I haven't posted any baby news in awahile. I am 20 weeks and delighted to find out what this little critter is next week! I have no clue, no feeling, no nothing. I'm just tired and exhausted to do anything other than make a baby and take care of 4 others.

Thngs are going well, except for my growing thighs and fat deposits showing up everywhere possible on a human body.

We will struggle with names this time around- I know that. Why did Trav suddenly get an opinion? After we know, then we can work that. Here's to the next 19 weeks of pure bliss!


Unknown said...

Ahhhh, cute little belly! I can't believe you are halfway done! Time sure does fly when it's someone else's pregnancy! He he. And also I am horrified for you about daisys lice.. There couldn't be a worse plague sent to your house! I would seriously be sending her to school in the shower cap!

Jana said...

Em, you look so good! And I love your line about Travis suddenly having an opinion about baby names. Silly men, thinking they have any say when women are the ones doing all the dang work!!