Sunday, August 14, 2011

When Daisy gets bit by a mosquito...

Daisy has NEVER done well with mosquito bites. She has always swelled up around the bite about the size of a hard ball, and it's been really hard to the touch. We kinda got used to it and knew it would take awhile for the bite and the reaction to it- to settle down a bit- but this time around was pretty freaky! We got home yesterday from our camp out around 12:30, unpacked super fast, threw the girls in the tub, washed off, redid pony tails and then left to Angie's for the party. Daisy was doing well most of the day with zero swelling. We came home, mowed the lawn, unpacked, the kids rode bikes- life was normal and then around 7:30 PM I looked over at daisy and her eye was totally swollen! I was shocked because in little time- her eye had swollen. Trav went out to get Benadryl, but couldn't find any, so he bought the cream form. We put it on, put her in bed and a hour ago she woke up to show us her crazy eye swollen shut. I ran to Walgreens, talked to a pharmist, raced home and got it in her system 30 minutes ago. Hopefully the medicine will start working soon because she it's difficult using only 1 eye. The poor girl...

These were taken last night.

These are from 1 hour ago- crazy huh?


Jana said...

Oh dear, poor Daisy!! I hope the medicine has taken effect by now :(.

jayna said...

Holy cow! I have bad reactions too, but nothing even close to this!! Hope it's all gone today!

Missy08 said...

wow that is crazy Trennady is allergic to mosquitos to this is what happens to her to. Hope it gets better soon

Amber said...

holy smokes!!! poor girl!!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh! She must have inherited Travis's crazy allergy reactions! I remember accidentally poisoning him with pine nuts at Andreas. He didnt say a word until his tongue was swelling!