There is a reason why we waited 2 years to start on the kitchen cabinets, it's called:
8 trips to the store
$ 150 + dollars later
4 full days/nights to complete
30 doors & drawers to be sanded
30 handles to be removed and replaced with new ones
44 hinges to be removed and spray painted front & back
280 screws to remove, spray paint and replace
205 seperate coats of primer & paint + hours to finish all the trim work
98-100 degree weather to work in
lots and lots of paint fumes
and exhausted, blistered hands!
Although it was a lot of work, we LOVE THEM!! They turned out just how I wanted and I smile now every time I walk into the kitchen! Thanks honey for sanding for hours like a crazy man!
It looks good.
How cute Emily! Great job!!!
that looks great. i like the colors!
that sounds like a ton of work!!! but they look great--nice job.
they look soo good, im glad i was able to come see them. im so glad they bring you happiness :)!!!
Very nice Em!! By the way, I'm having a girl too!!
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