Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What I am thankful for today...

I've been busy this morning working on laundry, getting garbabges out, mowing the lawn, getting Easter stuff out, cleaning, organizing closets and keeping the girls entertained. I stopped for a moment and looked around at my little life and thanked my Heavenly Father for all that was around me. Although we are not rich, and and have a lot of debt, we have everything we could every dream or hope for. I am simply in awe of the blessings around me each and every day. I cannot imagine living in another country, I love America and my heart is full of gratitude today. Here are a few simple things in my life that I am thankful for:

*Garbage day. I LOVE tuesday mornings when they come and take all my trash and recycling away! It feels SOOOO good to have it gone.

* My MIL's apple crisp. Yeah, I ate a bowl full for lunch! (The baby made me do it!)

* My husband's job. Thank you Lord even if it's SUPER early in the morning!

* Clorox wipes. It really makes cleaning toilets a blast.

* My microwave. My freezers. & My fridge.

* My shower/bath tub. Soap. Razors (Ha! What are those?!)

* A toddler in panties!

* My washer and dryer. I would be lost without them.

* Ranch dressing. It makes all the salads I'm eating seem super healthy!

* A healthy baby boy growing & kicking like crazy inside my HUGE tummy!

* My vacuumes. I would stop breathing without them. I love my back up one too, it's saved me this past week!

* Clean laundry that sits in my room waiting to be folded.

*Chocolate and sour gummy worms.

* My bed & pillow.

* Chapstick.

*Messes around the house. It proves my kids have fun once in awhile!

1 comment:

Chelsea and Shane said...

I love this post... such a great reminder!!!